Assembly Mate Connectors in Onshape | Learn Onshape

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Today we will learn how to use the assembly mate connectors in Onshape Assembly. We have 9 mate connectors in Onshape. They are 

  1. Fastened Mate - To fix the parts together.
  2. Revolute Mate - To rotate the parts in Z-Axis direction.
  3. Cylindrical Mate - To rotate as well as move parallel in Z-Axis direction.
  4. Slider Mate - To move parallel in Z-Axis direction.
  5. Pin Slot Mate - To rotate in Z-axis and move parallel in x-axis direction.
  6. Parallel Mate - To move in all x, y, z-axis directions parallel to the face or mate.
  7. Planar Mate - To move only in the fixed plane ( only two axis eg: x and y-axis ).
  8. Ball Mate & - To rotate in all directions in 360 degrees.
  9. Tangent Mate - To move only in tangential direction of the part face or edge.
Every Mate has its own use when doing the assembly operation. And these mate connectors works between two parts. 

  • Import or Insert the two parts from part studio to assembly. Now select any mate connector showing on tool bar ( for example fastened mate ). 
  • Now select the points shown on part, where you want to mate the part. 
  • After selection of the first part do the same to the second part, then the parts will get mated.
  • Like this every mate connectors works.

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